Living in Worthing
Things to do
Whatever your hobby, there's probably a club in Worthing where like minded folk share your interests.Hobbies- from coin collecting to gardening
Surrounded by beautiful countryside, Worthing's a great base from which to enjoy the fresh air and natural beauty of the sea shore and the South Downs.The great Sussex countryside
Worthing Calendar
Check out the stylish 2011 Worthing Calendar which is rasising money for the Hospice.Community
If you need a bit of a helping hand or you're interested in doing your bit to help the community.Charities and good causes in the Worthing area.
For Kids
Looking for a school for your children?Learn more about schools, colleges and other seats of learning in Worthing.
Stuff to keep the Kids happy
Kids bored? Nothing to do?Things for children to do in Worthing
Junior football
Thousands of boys and girls play football in Worthing each week. Find out where.Childrens football teams

Whatever your God, Worthing has a church for you.From Church of England to Islam, Baptist to Unitarian, Catholic to Methodist and many more.
Need a doctor, dentist or hospital.Don't Panic
What to do in an emergency, from bereavement to crime, citizens advice, equality, fire prevention and more.Worthing Councils
Worthing Borough Council, West Sussex County Council and the other Local Authorities serving the Worthing area.Still popular with holidaymakers and day-trippers alike, Worthing is a great place to visit and a good place to live with all the amenities you would expect of a large town of nearly 100,000 people.
Whether you're planning a visit to Worthing or live here, Worthing.net will help you get a bit more out of Worthing by telling you more about the life and times of the town.
Worthing attractions
Find out what's on in WorthingOnly a small settlement of around 2,000 people in 1800, Worthing has expanded right up to the South Downs which provide the impressive backdrop to the town. Here you can find the pioneering Highdown Gardens (below), the Miller's Tomb, High Salvington Mill (left) and the amazing complex of Neolithic mines and enclosures of Cissbury.
Worthing itself is full of attractions, from its art galleries and top class museum to nightclubs and other nightlife.

Art galleries and art exhibitions
Worthing is full of artists, sculptors and photographers.Perhaps it's the clear seaside light that makes it such a magnet for artists.
Sports Clubs
Worthing sports clubs and fitness facilities
Football clubsRugby
Rowing and canoeing
Athletics and running
Golf courses
Fitness and exercise
Gym and keep fit classesMartial arts and self defence classes
Swimming pools
Keeping Worthing beautiful
Worthing has had its ups and downs as far as its positive impact on the environment is concerned and today is no different with sustainability and protecting the environment from further damage an important local battleground.Politics
With a general election round the corner, find out more about local and national politics and the policies of some of the parties who want to represent us.
Getting around
Travel essentials